
Weekly Cryptocurrency News Roundup – 13th May

Last week in the cryptocurrency space, we had a series of interesting events. If you are interested in mining or considering creation cryptocurrency for your city, these should interest you.

  1. Honeyminer App

Two weeks ago, we had an interesting increase in mining interest with the price of mining equipment on the rise. Well, last week there was a new development in the mining space.

A new mining app has been made available for Mac systems by a New Jersey-based cryptocurrency mining startup. This announcement first went up on their blog on the 9th of May this year. The startup claims that the app can do as much as mine when the laptop of the user is inactive.

2. Blockchain Social

Social media platforms are the interaction platforms for the modern person. And, like every other space, blockchain technology appears to be looking to disrupt this sphere as well.

Introducing Ghost Talk; a social media platform that seeks to change the way social media is done. This social media platform protects the information of users and gives them a reward for their use of the platform. The idea is that this would be a complete departure from the centralized social media as we’ve known so far.

3. Bitcoin Prices hit $6,950 on Saturday

Last week was an exciting week for Bitcoin investors as they watched bitcoin rise so high to hit unprecedented results.

Bitcoin price according to CoinMarketCap at the time of this post is $7,376.09.

4. Belfast Coin

The Irish city of Belfast is set to launch its own city currency later this year. The Belfast Coin is aimed at rewarding positive actions by residents, as well as encouraging economic growth and helping to achieve environmental goals.

5. Facebook on Ads

In what seems like an almost 360, Facebook has thankfully lifted some advertising restrictions on cryptocurrency and blockchain-related ads. This might have something to do with Project Libra.


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